I haven't showered, I haven't eaten...I'm pooped!


Shirt - swapped; Scarf - thrifted; Jacket - Spotted Moth; Jeans - Guess.
Baby's tooth finally breach the surface, but last night was the climax and boy did she give us a run for our money.   I'm so tired, the most I had the energy for was a cup of tea and a protein shake.  And me not eating is a huge deal!

In terms of outfit, all I could manage was to actually be dressed *as opposed to in my pajamas* as we headed out the door for a walk.  I know it's not very uninspired, but not everyday can be glorious.

However, I must say I love this jacket from Spotted Moth.  It's faux-fur lining is so very warm and comforting especially on a day like today where you're tired and it's still quite chilly.  The only down side to the piece is that it has no closure at the front.  That's an issues in the fall with the cold wind. But I'm just going to add two hooks or buttons to make the jacket stay closed.  And for 50% off, this really is a steal!
Our outdoor adventure took us in and around the pond in the park.  

I love the mural on the side of the public building in the park.

Weeds or flowers?

One little, lone cloud in the sky.  Precious thing!

I love those trees.  Like giants in the playground.
Tomorrow I'm on set for the web series I'm working on.  
I'll be blogging about that over here!

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