Chives and Bok Choy. |
Tomatoes! |
Parsley. |
????? |
So I promised to show you my garden last week and have been very negligent in fulfilling my promise. But finally here it is! I'm so excited! It's the first time I'm attempting to grow anything. If I can manage it, it'll be the first plants that I have manged not to kill. I'm kind of a black thumb. No, seriously.
On another fun note, we got Baby a little wading pool and so far the verdict is still out on whether she actually likes it. I'm sure once it gets sweltering hot she'll love it!
Today was one of her boyfriend's birthday parties. And let me tell you it was pretty cool to see the kids playing alongside one another. They don't really plat with each other yet; they kind of crawl over and around one another right now, but it's still pretty cute.
Fun note, I met one lady who reads my blog
*Hi Stephanie! You looked great, by the way* and it made me all embarrassed. It's weird to meet someone who has read about me, but that I haven't met in real life. Cool, but weird. It made me feel all bashful...like my underwear was showing
*which you never know, it might have been*