Blowing Raspberries


Glasses & Dress - F21; Flip Flops - Abercrombie&Fitch.
I love this dress for two reasons: one, it's cotton and therefore breathes on a humid day, and two, it has a great pattern that hides all the food stains I get from Baby.  Oh and a third reason!  It has pockets - always good to throw in little things you need, like teething medication. 

And while we're on the topic, why does teething have to be so darn hard and trying....for the parents I mean?  I'm not sleeping, and I spend the whole day carrying/holding/cuddling a sucky, whiny baby.  It's rough I tell ya! 

And no, I can't imagine it's fun for her either.

True Story:  Baby latest favorite thing is to blow huge raspberries on my leg or arm.  She did it for five minutes straight yesterday, and afterwards my leg was soaking in drool.  Ahhh, the joys of parenthood:  drool soaked body parts.

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