Some Weeks End Well


Okay, this week I'm smiling and I'm smiling!  There are such great reasons!

1. A new fantabulous camera that's going to take me far and wide.

2. Tried, and loved, a new Kung Fu school - Bamboo Kung Fu.  I haven't trained at a studio in about 2 years, and this is the worst shape I've ever been in in my entire life.  I've gone from sports, to dance, to Kung Fu and these last two years since having baby have been the slowest, athletically speaking.  Boy did it show!  In my complimentary class I had my tushy kicked! *Frankly, I was a little embarrassed at my performance*  Every muscle currently hurts, and every muscle is currently crying out in agony to be put out of it's misery....and I love every single second of it! 

True, it's not my perfect school if I had my way, and I have to unlearn certain ways of moving that have been ingrained in me, but it's definitely the best place I've tried in Toronto in years.  I'm so eager to go back.  I know many of you who read this are in Toronto as well, so maybe I'll see you there? I'll be the girl wincing in pain and smiling through it all.

3. Top Shot!  Top Gear! Man vs Wild!  Love Netflix, and love these reality tv shows.  With the three combined I`ve got super marksmanship, cool cars and ridiculous stunts, and a man doing extreme things to survive in extreme environments. It doesn't get much better than that.

4. I have the funniest dog in the world.  Seriously Drake, where did you learn to pose like that???

3 thoughts:

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