Tuck That Right In


Cardi - Old Navy
Dress - Trashy Diva
Shoes - Payless
Earrings & Necklace - c/o/ This Enchanted Pixie

I've got some really great friends! We had an impromptu Snakes&Lattes meet up. *For everyone, Snakes&Lattes is a cafe where you pay a small cover then play every and any board game imaginable - it's nerd heaven....so it's my heaven!*  Fun games and even met two new people that I'll maybe see again at another meet up.  And I've got an epic BSG game planned for Saturday March 31st...with both expansions.   Okay, is my nerd showing?  Oops, I think it's peeking out the hem of my dress.  Let's just tuck that right back in there. 

p.s. yes, this is the same cardi as in this post.  I re-wear stuff.  I've only got one closet...for now. *insert evil laugh here*

True Story:
Baby's developed a serious obsession with grapefruits.  
She eats one to one and a half per day.  
But don't try to give her an orange instead.  
She'll "Neo!" and shake her head to set you straight.

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