Ola Senor


Cardi - H&M
Top - hand me down
Skirt - refashioned from old dress
Shoes - stolen from Andrew

Tonight's companion is Senor Pinot Grigio and two episodes of Community.  We're old friends, Community, not Senor Grigio to be clear. Senor Grigio and I are acquaintances.   Not often together, but we like a light hearted chat from time to time.  Tonight we're discussing thoughts long forgotten and how to banish them at unwanted times...that, and how I can get the perfect Britta curl. I can't ever get it quite right.   Gillian Jacobs, what is your secret? 

p.s. Andrew's in Texas and I really want him to get me some cowboy boots - size 6.5/7 if you're wondering. It's a bit of a fantasy.

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