A fashion and personal style blog for women and moms of all ages.
Orchestra of Women
Recently there has been speculation and criticism over Ashley Judd's appearance. Rank speculation and discussion prompted Ms. Judd to write this essay as a response. I encourage you to read it.
Recently, an entire issue of Marie Claire was dedicated to the continuing unequal treatment of women. I've come across this phenomenon in the arts as well. As a female actor and photographer, I often come face to face with the attitude that for some reason my male compatriots time is more valuable than mine. This is done in small and subtle, but powerful ways. Often times the undermining of the female consciousness comes in the very art form that I work in daily. I remember an acting teacher saying, "For women, it's important that you look good while listening because most scripts are men talking at women and women listening." Said years ago, this has stayed with me as I progress through this medium, mostly because time and time again I'm faced with a script in which this is true. While there are directors and writers challenging that norm, and I applaud them, they are far too few.
Some of you may challenge me saying that I, as a fashion blogger, may be falling victim to this exact system. I say that my fashion, my love of the creative play of dressing, is an expression of me and for myself. It's my canvas since I can't draw, it's my instrument since I can't play. And it's my voice, not the nodding of my head while a man talks at me.
I add my voice to the orchestra of women shouting for equal treatment and dissolution of the patriachical gaze.
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