Spent Some Time Walking With A Friend


Shirt - Esprit
Dress worn as skirt - bought in Valencia, Spain
Belt - Ruche (old)
Shoes - Threadsence
Sunnies - F21

Sometimes it's nice to talk to someone.  Just talk with a girl friend you've known for years, who's done stupid things with you in University, and smart things with you out of it.  Our conversation made me realize how much harder everything gets, but at the same time how much better it would be if everyone had to grow up and stop acting like 19 year olds.  What I mean by that, is just responsibility for yourself and your actions.  We're all imperfect, we all screw up, but you have to stand on your own two feet and accept that.

I know, easier said than done.
No, no smart ass remarks today for you...I'll try to keep you entertained and captivated on twitter.
Or tomorrow, there's always tomorrow.

Quote of Today:
"Are you saying I have to make my vegetable have sex?"

4 thoughts:

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