Wrinkly Gala


Jacket, Bracelet, & Necklace - F21
Jumper - ASOS
Clutch - H&M
Shoes - Thrift find in NYC

I wore this to the gala opening of a friend of mine's play - Dairy-Free Love - so the sitting down for an extended period of time explains the wrinkles!  The play was wonderful, and if you're in the Hamilton or London area at all this summer check out their fringe festival and go see this one.  What was also wonderful were the gluten and dairy free treats I could indulge in after the show, and believe me indulge I did!  I love me some delicious desserts.  

True Story:
See the burn marks on my arms in the fourth picture? 
Yeah, that's from my epic fail cooking spaghetti...which apparently I can't do.
I know my way around a sword, but I don't know which is the business end of a frying pan!

5 thoughts:

  1. Wrinkle, shminkle, you stole the show in that outfit! ;)

  2. Love Love Love.

    I love you even more for not being a secret chef. Everyone I know is some wiz in the kitchen, when I can't even make pico de gallo without causing damage to my body.

    This is a beautiful color on you!

  3. If black off shoulder dress keeps women a sense of mystery.Then black button up dress shows the neat and pure of a girl.


Let me know your thoughts!

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