Spot The Peeing Dog Haiku


Necklace - F21
Shirt - Modcloth
Jeans - Gap
Shoes - Payless

Summertime sunshine.
Fashion blogger photo op.
Drake pees behind me.

9 thoughts:

  1. Hahaha love your pup peeing in the background. Priceless!! And I so want that necklace and top you have on!! Very pretty :)

    Your post is up on my blog today so make sure you go check it out! xo

  2. HAHAHAHA i love it! hilarious!!! my dogs totally do that. you look fabulous BTW

    still being [molly]

  3. Haha! Love it! The outfit.. not the peeing dog :)

  4. Super cute top. I love the royal blue top. It's lovely. Oh my goodness you gave me quite a laugh with your pooch peeing in the back ground. Hilarious! Oh dogs I love them so much. Hope you're having wonderful Monday!

  5. Love this shirt! I laughed out loud because my dog always photo bombs my outfit shots and awhile back I posted one where she's doing a different version of what your dog is doing - haha - but since her back half was out of the pic I posted it anyway and didn't mention it. I wonder how many people noticed! haha

    The Blue Hour

  6. Love that brilliant blue color, and darn, do you look charming!

  7. Story of my life! I take a great picture then I notice oh look theres Tucker peeing in the yard...... nice. I will totally vote for you! You are such a cutie,and has anyone told you that you have a lot of the mannerisms of Amy Adams? YOu totes do!


Let me know your thoughts!

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