Frak, I'm Growing or Something



It's quiet here. And not in a good way.

The season is busy with lots to do and lots of events. But the little monkey is sick. So the world comes to a halt. The house is filled with the sounds of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood on the tv, alternating with the sounds of as little as possible when she naps.

What's the worst is that I usually have little patience for whining and things like that. I'm a practical, tell me what hurts and let's figure it out kind of person. But of course, a sick 5 year old is nothing but whiny for the sake of being whiny. Therefore, this is an exercise in patience for me.

I am growing. Frak, am I growing.



Sweater - Jack  //  Top and Necklace - FreePeople  // Pants - Le Chateau  // Boots - ThreadSence  //  Purse - Cynthia Rowley *thrifted*

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