Rumi, Poo, and Threesomes



We all take ourselves very seriously. Too seriously. Wandering about like high powered business people, or trying to be profound and making sure that every thing we write, say, or do is full of wisdom and enlightenment. Like witticisms just drip from our tongues, and quiet reveries give mindful epiphanies.

But even Rumi, the poet, knew that the key to life is to not treat oneself as sacred, to not be too serious. He wrote a whole poem about having a good poo. And another one where he gets distracted halfway through thinking about a threesome.

See? If Rumi in his wisdom knows to laugh at himself and acknowledge the absurdity and folly of humanity, should we not also take a lesson from that?

I'm sorry, I got distracted halfway through by...uh...never mind.





Long Cardigan - gift  //  Dress - Ruche  //  Boots - Call It Spring  //  Thigh Highs - FreePeople  //  Necklace - Reitmans  //  Sunnies UO  //  Bag - Lucky Brand

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