Reaching For Nostalgic Pieces


Necklace - in Dominican Republic; Bracelet - F21; Dress - Stradivarius; Sandals - Zellers.
Had a rehearsal for Posthuman yesterday (check that out here).  It went really well and I'm excited about the shoot on Sunday.  Other than that, I've been crazy, hectic busy trying to get through my 'To-Do' list.  It feels like it just keeps getting longer and nothing seems to be getting crossed out.  I really wish there were about 39 hours in the day.

Since I'm slightly insomniac lately and therefore not functioning at optimum capacity, I decided to wear my favorite dress.  Wearing this dress always makes me feel better.  I got it in Barcelona, and wore it all throughout Spain; so whenever I wear it it brings me back to sunny days spent walking along the beach and enjoying menu del dias.  What's your favorite nostalgic piece?

Quote of Today:
"I can feel the cavities!"

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