Accentuate The Positive


Cardi - Aritzia; Top - F21; Jeans - Gap; Boots - Feet First.

Can I just say how much I love the fact that Baby always has to get my attention when taking outfits shots?  She either cries *which I'm not crazy about*  or she giggles and makes funny face *which I love a whole lot more*  My absolute favorite is when she shoves her nose up against the glass.   That gets me every time.  I crack up laughing and make just as many silly faces *as evidenced above*

I got together with some friends last night to play board games and have dessert.   It was so much fun.  I think that hanging out with friends and having a blast playing board games has to be one of my favorite activities.  It's so great to connect with people like that.  And I always feel so positive about things when it's all done *even though I didn't win*

Tomorrow's Daily Challenge:
Catch yourself thinking a negative thought today and consciously change it into a positive thought.  Repeat that thought to yourself at least three times.

2 thoughts:

  1. That last picture is absolutely adorable! I love when my kids want in on my outfit shots--so cute. My oldest son, 11, likes to dictate my poses ("mom, stand like this" or "mom, that smile is too cheesy"). Love your boots!

  2. Love the silly face! And those boots!

    xx Vivian @


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