Hey, Nice Undies


Cardi - Gap
Top & Socks - F21
Skirt - Ruche
Boots - Feet First
Necklace - gift from Mama's Nest Designs

I had a Marilyn moment without trying to.  Walking home late at night in this skirt the wind was so strong that it completely blew my skirt up in the air.  No one saw though because, as I said, it was late at night.  I was relieved that no one saw it because I would've been so embarrassed, but also a little disappointed.  I was having a great leg day and wearing really nice undies, so if someone had to see some time that was the day.  You know it's going to happen again when I'm wearing grannies and haven't shaved.  You just know it will!

Remember how this skirt was completely destroyed on the very first day I got it?  Well, thanks to my talented Mother-In-Law it's been resurrected from the dead. *I may or may not have been watching several episodes of The Walking Dead*  She took some material from the inside of the waist, and using webbing and other magical feats of sewing fixed it right up.  If you look closely you can tell, but when i put it on even knowing where the hole had been it still took me a few second to find it.  So yay!

p.s. I finished editing a recent shoot and posted a few choice pics here.  I'd love for you to check them out!
True Story:
Andrew and I watched the Modern Family episode where the ladies of the house get their cycles synchronized and Andrew turns to me, "I'm scared for when that happens." 
I don't blame him.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

8 thoughts:

  1. bahaha I saw that one too and all the husband could say was "O god" when the realization hit him that we have 2 daughters.

  2.  yup, they're screwed!

  3. love Modern Family. David and I sit down and watch every week. It seems as if in every episode we can relate something to our life! scary as that is!

  4.  I think that's the beauty of the show - it's relatibility

  5. I love that skirt. I cant wait for ruche to get it back in stock so I can buy it! I cannot wait. By the way you are super fashionable!

  6.  Thank you!  :)  It's a great skirt but you have to be super careful with the material. 

  7. Hahaha!!! I love the part with the Modern Family bit. I remember that episode. It was absolutely freaking hilarious. :)


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