Not A Family Friendly Brat


Top - Gap
Cardi - Anthropologie
Cords - Le Chateau
Boots - Threadsence
Necklace - c/o Scarlet Samples

Last night I did ADR for a short film that I was in not too long ago, and I have to confess I'm a little brat!  *ADR is when you go into the studio and record some lines that may have been lost or fuzzy and match it up to your lips moving - harder than it sounds* 

You see the film is about serious stuff, and the lines are serious stuff - people arguing, dying, etc. etc.  - but I couldn't resist turning some of those lines into shall we say less-than-family-friendly material? It was just too tempting.  those lines, without context and the way we recorded some of the things were just begging for it!  And I'm not one to turn that down.  The screening is in a few weeks, and I'm so excited to see the whole thing on screen!

Quote of Today:
"Scott, Scott...Scott...Scott........oh Scooooottt."

2 thoughts:

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