It's What I Wore


Top - H&M
Blazer - UO
Pants - swapped
Boots - Feet First
Necklace - won from a giveaway

This was a quick outfit I threw together on very little sleep and absolutely no time to think whatsoever.  I see quite a few flaws, but I think it's overall passable considering the total prep time was about 20 minutes...including hair, make-up, cup of tea, and warming baby some milk. Oh and the weird fog and humidity we've had is doing some weird stuff to my hair.  When I started the day, I had nicely straightened hair, but the time I started work it was a weird, flat wavy thing, and by the time I took these photos it's was a complete write off. 

But I promised you guys honesty, so it's only fair that I deliver.  
This is what I wore.

Quote of Today:
"Can the meteor just hit so I can go already?"

8 thoughts:

  1. Love the colors!

  2. I love the colors and this whole outfit! new follower :)

  3. Hi Joanna,

    I saw your comment on my blog over at 3 Wishes. I came on over to say hello back...I am following you too! I liked your outfit today...that is usually how I operate, on very little sleep. Have a great night! :)

  4. I absolutely adore the mix of that top with the blazer. Which both have grogeous colours by the way.
    Very good job!

  5. OOH that blazer and necklace are so wonderful! You have a truly killer sense of style. I can see why you're so popular :)


  6. What a nice association !
    Bizs Sandra


Let me know your thoughts!

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