Heart On My - Bee!


Cardi - Yumi
Scarf - street stand
Dress - Bloom
Belt - F21
Shoes - Payless

So I was totally going to call this post "Heart On My Sleeve" in reference to the hearts on my cardigan, and I was going to talk about something sweet, but here's a better story:

See that last picture where I'm looking all profound and philosophical?  Yeah, well just as the timer was going off on my camera I happened to hear a noise and noticed a bee flying dangerously close to me.  So the picture was totally forgotten while I focused in curiosity, indecision, and growing terror as the bee started a slow trajectory towards me.

Soon afterwards, I gave a high-pitched yelp, grabbed my camera and ran inside the house.  I'm just thankful I had the wherewithal to remember the camera!  Though in hindsight, I doubt the camera was a panicked as I was.

Give me zombies and I've got sword and gun expertise, but don't you dare face me with a bee.

*Hangs head in shame*

Quote of Today:
"You know those things expire every decade or so right?"

13 thoughts:

  1. Adorable outfit!!! I feel like I just need the dress and I've got everything else to put this outfit together ;) Thanks for the outfit inspiration, I'm seriously so glad I found your blog!!!

  2. Twirly skirt!

    I do have to say you have the prettiest Freaked the F out face ever.

    I have an overwhelming fear of bees and wasps. Snakes I can handle, spiders no problem.

    But that buzzing of a flying demonspawn? I will run.

  3. Okay this makes me feel better because this morning as I got out of my car I swear a bee flew into it. I have been deathly afraid to get back into the car (which I'll have to do at to drive to work) so I'm praying that the bee died in the meantime or that I imagined it flying in and it is actually happily buzzing about outside. Glad I'm not the only one! At least you look cute whilst looking like a fraidy :)

  4. adorable! saw you at a night owl and wanted to say hello!


  5. i need that dress! so wish i had it for a wedding im going to on thursday dang it!

  6. That was me yesterday!!! I was taking pictures and I looked up...there was a wasp nest right above my garage door! At least you look pretty :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

  7. great dress!! guess the bee wanted to be in a style post too! hehe

    hoping over from the WIWW link up.
    blair @ wild-and-precious.com

  8. This outfit is perfect for summer!! I love it.

    PS I know bees are very important to our environment and all, but nothing disconcerts me more than a bee near my face! Ugh!


  9. haha!! you crack me up :):) and that dress is the cutest!

  10. Love your scarf and dress! Very pretty. :)

  11. I adore this dress and love the colors of your scarf and sweater with it!


Let me know your thoughts!

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