I Swear I'm Not Naked!


Dress - Threadsence
Cardi - Yumi
Shoes - Payless
Sunnies - Lace Affair
Bracelet/Necklace - c/o TwillyPop

Sometimes you don't really notice what you look like until you see a picture.  Now, I would like to think that had I had a full length mirror, I would've noticed that I look totally naked underneath this dress.  I assure you, I was not!  I had on a nude colored bra, and skin tight, nude booty shorts.  But despite my covering up underneath, the sheerness and the silhouette created do indeed project that image and therefore I find it indecent.  A half slip is being purchased as we speak.  

However a misfortune this incident was, I have to share how much I'm adoring this necklace.   It's gorgeous! And I think it walks the line of simple and chic while still being a stand out item.  What's great about it is that it's so flexible you can do whatever you like with it.  I often get a rebel-without-a-cause satisfaction out of wearing things the way they're not 'supposed' to be worn.  That, coupled with the fact that it was so humid I couldn't bear to have anything on my neck for more than 15 minutes, resulted in the move of this piece to my wrist and my wearing it as a bracelet for the rest of the day.  It's gorgeous, and not only did I get compliments on the dress, I got more than a few complimentary looks at my wrist.  

True Story:
Baby spilled something.  
She went around to the other side of the bed to get a kleenex to wipe it up.  
On the way back, she was distracted by something Andrew said to her.  
Once done, she looked back in the direction she had been originally going and stood there. 
She had totally forgotten her determined and resolute mission.  S
he stood there for several moments clearly trying hard to recall what it was she had been so focused on.  Then she dropped the Kleenex, did a 180 and walked away. 
Her mission aborted. 

22 thoughts:

  1. Looks perfectly modest to me...

    1. Thanks! I tried to post the non-see through photos. But thanks! :)

  2. Hahah, the story is funny. So cute. :)
    And that dress looks beautiful! I love the mint color.
    ♥ xixia
    visit my new blog?: thisisxixia.com

    1. Cute blog! Love the penguin pic and the Brave shout out!

  3. that dress is awesome. i wouldn't have thought twice about it (didn't notice any sheerness) but half slips are awesome, too!

    1. YEah, I was a little uncomfortable with some of the pics.

  4. your true story was so cute :) & that dress is lovely!


  5. Gorgeous dress!! I love the sheer lace parts.. very pretty girlie :)

  6. Loooooooooove it.

    I love her aborted mission. At least she doesn't beat herself up trying to figure out what she was doing.

    1. That's true. She just moves on without a thought. Kids are awesome!

  7. i think it's a gorgeous dress on you!!

  8. You look beautiful! And i really like the idea necklace/bracelet!

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  9. I love the mint and coral combo and sad I missed it, however, totally loving everyone's contribution. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Well, you are lovely! I would have never noticed anything revealing - and this coming from a prudish mom of 4 teens (2 of whom are girls).... You are so right about the Twillypops being versatile. I love mine!!!

  11. Just gorgeous! Love the dress, wow!!!

  12. You are cracking me up with this post! Great title, and I think the dress is so pretty:) I've been following you for a few months and I wanted to give you a heads up about a little giveaway I'm doing on my blog for Anthropologie. It seems to fit your style, which I love!

  13. Funny story! Although I don't think anything about the outfit looks off.

    Thanks for participating in EBEW!

  14. Your dress is absolutely gorgeous - I love the sheer details. And no worries, I see nothing scandalous about it!


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