A New Kind Of DIY


Sunnies & Hat - F21
Dress - Ruche

Went to the wading pool with Baby.  Technically we weren't allowed in the pool, but who's going to listen to "technically" on such a beautiful day.  It was all fine and dandy until she slipped face first into the water and came up screaming from the fear.  She immediately lunged into my arms and I held a scared, shocked, and soaking wet toddler to me until she calmed down. 

In other DIY news, to cool down immediately hold a scared, shocked, and soaking wet toddler to yourself until she calms down.  Your whole front will be wet and cool for the next foreseeable future.

p.s. clearly the fall didn't leave a lasting impression since all these photos were taken afterwards and there's still a fierce wading pool determination in her. 

9 thoughts:

  1. aww, what a good mom you are ... to allow her to cool you off. :) she's a tough & brave little girl!

  2. hahahah love it. now to get my hands on a toddler... maybe i can borrow my nephew when i go to the beach. (i realize that sounds totally creepy but i swear i'm not creepy)

    still being [molly]

  3. Love the sundress!

    Just found your blog via Whispering Sweet Nothings......love it and can't wait to read more!


  4. You take great photos. Looks like a beautiful day - even with the tears! Thanks for linking up for Flash Blog Friday :-)

  5. you guys look great to ether..you give summer a good name!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    my kids all loved the water!

    1. Thank you so much for following. I deeply appreciate it!

  6. Why not jump in the pool when the weather is so fine!!! :)

    gorgous sundress!


Let me know your thoughts!

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