Nerd Mecca


 Dress -   *similar*
Sunnies - F21
Shoes - H&M
Rings - F21 and Threadsence
Necklace - from Poland

I've been watching all the updates and fun panels, and articles that have come out of the latest Comic Con and it has made me realize that I, this huge huge nerd, have never once traveled to this Mecca of nerdom.  How can the lady who has seen every episode of Star Trek, BSG, Buffy, along with pretty much every sci-fi movie ever made have never been to Comic Con?  How can I, who cried within the first 5 second of The Next Generation theme song while pregnant, call myself a nerd having never gone?  How can I quote FireFly episodes when there's this black void in my life?

It's a gapping hole on my nerd resume, really.  An embarrassment.  Something akin to calling yourself a chef without knowing how to work a stove. Or being a New Yorker and never even glancing at the Empire State building once.  I must rectify that.

I even have a Star Trek original series mini-dress and vulcan ears.

Don't ask. 

True Story:
Baby Girl was sitting on Andrew's lap, and decided she had enough. 
To get down and go play, she grabbed what was most convenient in order to hoist herself off:
his 'family jewels'
She has no guile. 

6 thoughts:

  1. Lovely. One of my favorite dresses yet!

  2. love your dresses! :)

  3. Your dress is gorgeous! Love the colour and the open back! :)

    Newest follower from Canada!

  4. Love the dress and how it looks on you. When I try open back dress, they always look weird and show to much of my back. =/

    Speaking of Comic Con, Part of it is for comic fan though. I've been to them 2 yrs in a row in 2007. I have to say the best part is the last day's cosplay competition.

    I know you said dont ask, but I'm just thinking about getting some vulcan ears for a costume. xD
    Vulcans female are always sooo cool.

  5. Such a cute outfit. Also- the idea of going to comic con scares and intrigues me. I am not a huge nerd fan myself, but the commitment to the culture fascinates me. Maybe one day...

  6. You are too cute! I on the other hand am a dork b.c I have no clue about 1/2 of what you just talked about. Can we still be friends?


Let me know your thoughts!

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