Montreal Je T'aime: Last Blast


Dress - Garcia Jeans
Necklace - Lustre
Shoes - Payless

The last night was spent eating and walking around the old town at night.  Not too much excitement, but a lovely evening none the less.  It left a quiet, peaceful memory.  I tip my hat to you Montreal. You are charming.

5 thoughts:

  1. Sweet place and great photos! I've been to Montreal once, as a kid, but mostly as a drive-through on our way somewhere else.

  2. Love your dress and necklace. Gorgeous photos!


  3. You are so lovely! Great pics! Cute dress!

  4. Can we talk for a second about how beautiful your dress is? and how amazing your necklace is? And how european Montreal looks?

    Awesome. All of it. Awesome.

    <3 Daryl
    Roots, Wings & Other Things
    $100 Anthropologie Giveaway

  5. Stopping by from the link up-
    Wow, now I need to explore Montreal! That dress is fantastic on you- way to go!

    Understated Classics


Let me know your thoughts!

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