New Baby!


Dress - Dear Creatures Avila Dress
Sweater *sold out* & Shoes - Modcloth
Brooch - Beau and Bauble

I'm excited about my new baby!  The blue one with the basket in the pictures here.  Why?  What did you think I was talking about? My new blue baby girl is wonderful.  I'm calling her Lolita, because she's a young, gorgeous ingenue with a very coquettish side to her.  So welcome to the family Lolita. 

Since arriving, I've put her straight to work.  She's been up, down, east, and west across this fair city and I know she and I will be doing it many times more.   It's just me and her with the wind at our backs. 

True Story:
Baby Girl was counting the muffin holes on the tray.  
She counted, "One, two, three, four..."  then decided held up a finger in the air and announced "Nine!"  
There were six. 
Still, not bad for a 2 year old. 

8 thoughts:

  1. Very pretty dress!

  2. What a beautiful bike and I love your dress and the sweater to go with your bike!!!!! Lovely!

  3. The sweater looks really comfi, I love it!

  4. Lolita is very pretty, and you look quite the youthful ingenue yourself in that outfit, very charming.

  5. Congrats on the new addition! :) Everyhing is adorable!

  6. love the shoes and your new baby is too cute!!


Let me know your thoughts!

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