No Shame


Vest - H&M
Hi-Lo Top & Shoes - Threadsence
Tank & Jeans - Gap
Belt - F21
Bag - Matt by Matt&Nat
Earrings - bought in Santorini

Yes, that's right I have no shame.  Some would *and have* call me 'brave' for taking outfit photos in the busiest square in Toronto.  I beg to differ.  It's not so much brave as a totally and complete lack of shame.  I just don't just a *insert descriptive and unique expletive here* about what some stranger thinks of me taking pictures there.  That's true for a lot of things.  Need proof?  Watch my CoffeeTalk vids.  

I'll volunteer to do whatever, and only afterwards when I notice people giving me weird looks realize that, oh, this is something I should be embarrassed doing. Usually I notice because Andrew gets embarrassed for me.  Oh well.  Never did win any popularity contests...*anyone with a Pickering High School yearbook from OAC hush!*

8 thoughts:

  1. you are too adorable and WAY braver than I am! These pictures actually came out quite amazing!

  2. I love the backdrop with tons of people, I think it's interesting!

    Weird looks just spark interest ;) I need to start not worrying about what people think when i'm taking outfit pictures.

    Love this look tho, something I wouldn't put together, but you look great.

  3. I still think you're BRAVE! But your point is totally valid! There is NO shame in having your picture taken... I really need to get over that! :S
    ALSO, I think thi is my fave outfit ever. I love everything. (EVERYTHING!) about it.

  4. I call it brave!! I can't even go out on my street lol! Maybe some day I'll give it a whirl :) Excited for your next vid!!

  5. I love it. Who knows, maybe they are inspired by your ballsiness!! It is just a picture - more people should just go out and do it, there really isn't anything to be afraid of. Cute outfit. I dont feel like I can pull off the hi - lo stuff. I love the earrings!!

  6. Feel the fear and do it anyway - that's my motto!

  7. I would have serious difficulty taking pics here. I have trouble taking the camera to the farmer's market to get unique tropical produce pics, let alone myself. Kudos to your can-do attitude and shameless photo-session in Toronto. Perhaps I'll be braver soon. Maybe ;)

  8. Wow! you look like something off a "fashion in this city" blog! I love the shots with people--never would have thought of doing this (not because I'd feel weird, it just never occurred to me!) Awesome.


Let me know your thoughts!

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