Random Sundays: GlossyBox Review


I tried Glossy box for the first time this month, and I'm already loving it!  In this package, I received a mini Dove deodorant, B.Kamins body lotion and lip balm, Wella Shimmer Delight Spray, and a full limited edition palette from NYX.

The colors on the palette are beautiful, and fun.  It's kind of fun how I can see myself using every single color, and there aren't any that had me cringing at the thought of wearing them. That says a lot, 'cause I'm picky and often cringe when I see a color.   If the next Glossy box is this awesome, I think I have to sign up for the year!

p.s.  Did you notice my cool Sand and Starfish clutch there?  It's so great and the perfect size for carrying around my daily makeup and cosmetics in my purse.

3 thoughts:

  1. loved the colors on the palette!
    i've always wanted to try these "box things" - there are so many different kinds out there...
    nice blog! i'm your newest follower :) hope you can find the time to come visit me too sometime. have a great weekend!

    it must be (so)... liberating

  2. Love those pink/red colors in the last picture on the right. Beautiful! :D


  3. That's cool you don't have to sign up for the year up front..I know a lot of "box" companies make you.


Let me know your thoughts!

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