


"Individuality is not an end in itself; it is something that must enter into fructifying contact with the world, and in so doing must lose its separateness. An individuality which is kept in a glass case withers, whereas one that is freely expended in human contacts becomes enriched."  - Bertrand Russell

Too often I hear people claim to be individuals. They claim it as a reason to remain distanced and separate from others. Like it's something to be proud of. Like the interactions with others will somehow lessen their individuality. But we're social creatures. We're designed to be with others - to lesser and greater extents as personality dictates.

And I ask, what sort of individuality is it that can not withstand a conversation, or a relationship? It is not individuality, but a fear I say. For the greatest test, I think, is to be in relationship with others, to share laughs, to hear their thoughts, to take pleasure in their pleasure, to ease their burdens, to be outside your self without losing yourself.






Dress - ThreadSence  //  Hat - I forget  //  Boots - ShopSosie  //  Cardigan - Ruche  //  Rings - F21, artisan fair, and heirlooms. 

*linking up with WIW and Not Dressed*

4 thoughts:

  1. Pretty!!! Love the boho look, and your photos are beautiful!

    xx, EE

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. Me too - it's a lovely happy color and print :)


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